Apollo Com​​puting 
Laboratories (P) Ltd

 ​mktg@apollocomputing.com  +​9140 -27141522 / 27141533

RT-Validation Suit

RT Validation Suite can be used to test and clear Remote Terminals of LRUs with respect to MIL-STD-1553B electrical characteristics like amplitude, rise time and fall time, etc. (as given in MIL-STD-1553B product validation plan) before LRUs are installed on Aircraft.

RT Validation Suite shall be used for validating the 1553B Remote Terminal’s Electrical characteristics, Functional characteristics (protocol tests) and noise rejection tests.

The RT Validation Suite shall implement all the external interfaces of 1553B RT Module by emulating the Bus controller, Bus Monitor Functions. Measuring instruments shall be connected to the RT module/1553B bus in automated manner through the software control.

The following electrical/Functional characteristics can be monitored using the RT Validation Suite.

A) Electrical characteristics:

i) Output
1) Zero crossing Stability
2) Output Symmetry (for 6 samples)
3) Distortion/ Overshoot/Ringing
4) Amplitude Pk-Pk
5) Power on Response
6) Rise time and Fall time
7) Power on/off Noise
8) O/p Isolation
9) RT Response Time
ii) Input
1) Rise time and Fall time
2) Amplitude variation
3) Noise Rejection
4) Common Mode Rejection Test

B) Functional characteristics (Protocol Tests):

1) Response to command Word
2) Inter Message Gap

3) Error Injection
4) Word Length
5) Bi-phase Encoding
6) Sync Encoding
7) Message Length
8) Contiguous Data
9) Terminal Fail Safe
10) Superseding Commands
11) Mode Commands
12) Bus Switching
13) Unique Address
14) RT-RT Broadcast Test
15) Error Injection Broadcast Msg Test
16) Data Wrap around Test
17) Broadcast Mode Command Test

C) Noise Rejection tests

Noise rejection of the RT module will be tested by injecting the noise of 200mv pk-pk (1MHz).

S.No Type of Tes​t
1.0 Functional Tests
1.1 Response To Command Word Test
(a) RT Response to Command Words
(b) RT to RT Response to command Words

Inter Message Gap Test
(a)Transmission Rate Test 
(b) Minimum Time Test
1.3 Parity Test
(a) Transmit Command Word Test
(b) Receive Command word Test
(c) Receive Data Words Test
1.4 Word Length Test
(a) Transmit Command Word Test
(b) Receive Command word Test
(c) Receive Data Words Test
1.5 Bi-Phase Encoding Test
(a) Transmit Command Word Test 
(b) Receive Command word Test 
(c) Receive Data Words Test
1.6 Sync Encoding Test
(a) Transmit Command Word Test
(b) Receive Command word Test
(c) Receive Data Words Test
1.7 Message Length Test
(a) Receive Command word Test
(b) Receive Data Words Test
1.8 Broadcast Message Test
1.9 Contiguous Data Test
1.10 Mode commands Test
(a) Synchronize Test
(b) Synchronize With Data Word Test
(c)Transmit BIT Word Test
(d) Transmit Last Command Test
(e) Dynamic Bus Control Test
(f) Transmit Vector Word
(g) Initiate Self Test
(h) Terminal Fail Safe Test
(i) Unique RT address Test
(j) RT-RT Broadcast Test
1.11 Transmit Last Status Test
1.12 Transmit Shut Down Override Test
1.13 Reset Remote Terminal Test
1.14 Error Injection Broadcast Msg Test
1.15 Data Wrap around Test
1.16 Broadcast Mode Command Test
2.0 Electrical Tests O/P Characteristics
2.1 Zero crossing Stability
2.2 Output Symmetry (for 6 samples)
2.3 Distortion/ Overshoot/Ringing
2.4 Amplitude Pk-Pk
2.5 Power on Response
2.6 Rise time and Fall time
2.7 Power on/off Noise
2.8 O/p Isolation
2.9 RT Response Time I/P Characteristics
2.10 Rise time and Fall time
2.11 Amplitude variation
2.12 Noise Rejection
2.13 Common Mode Rejection Test


i) Industrial Computer

This PC is configured as BUS controller to schedule the messages to Remote Terminal as well as the Monitor Terminal to monitor the results. It is equipped with single node 1553B add on card .Graphical User Interface software is developed to the switching of the equipments to connect with the 1553B bus. This PC will be using its serial port to communicate with the Switching block.

ii) Switching Block (Xilinx CPLD Based RS232-Switching card)

This is based on XCR Series Xilinx CPLD. Operating voltage of the board is 5V.Board consists of DPDT Latch relays to switch between the inputs and outputs. These relays will be controlled from the I/O Lines of CPLD which are Configured as Outputs. Board communicates to the HOST system through the serial interface over the RS232 line where as the UART Core is emulated in CPLD. The RS-232 interface standard is provided with the help of MAX3221 chip. The card has an extensive reset circuit facility for resetting the all the Relays sequentially there by reducing the surge of current at Power ON. After Power ON the relays can be reset through S/W commands.

iii) Noise Injection Module

This is developed on the PCI Card which is plugged in to the host system.Output of the module is interfaced to the switching Card.This generates a sinusoidal waveform of 1MHz frequency and the amplitude variable from 250mv Pk-Pk to 1.2V Pk-Pk.

iv) PCI Based single node 1553B add on card

This card will be installed in the Industrial PC and works as a BUS Controller as well as the Monitor Terminal. A digital potentiometer is incorporated on the card to vary the 1553B signal’s Amplitude level. This can be controlled through the software interface.

v) Impedance Analyzer Module

This will be used to measure the input impedance of the 1553B bus. This Module is developed on the PCI add on card which is plugged in the host system.Host system S/W can capture the results directly from the module.

v) Impedance Analyzer Module

This will be used to measure the input impedance of the 1553B bus. This Module is developed on the PCI add on card which is plugged in the host system.Host system S/W can capture the results directly from the module.

vi) Digital Storage Oscilloscope

This will be used to measure Amplitude (Vp-p), Rise Time, Fall Time, Zero Crossing Stability and output symmetry of the 1553B’s signal. This instrument can be interfaced to the Industrial PC though the USB interface to capture the results.

vii) USB/RS232 Converter

This Converter cable is used to interface the switching card to Host PC. It supplies 5V DC to the switching card from USB Power.

viii) Mounting Rack for total setup Mounting Box for switching Block

A Rack is provided to incorporate all the equipments Industrial PC, Oscilloscope, Impedance Analyzer Switching Block. Switching Card is housed in a mounting box and this box is mounted on the rack.


RT Validation Suite structural view of front view and rear view as given in below

Ordering Information

ACL-RT-VAL: MIL-STD-1553B Based RT Validation Suite.
* ACL is continuously working on improvements of its products; hence these specifications are subject to change without any notice. Wherever the products are updated, the updated/revised version will be supplied.

BUS Controller - for ​Avionics Test System (AVTS)

Bus Controller can initiate transaction just like Mission Computer of Avionics System. 
It generates messages according to a definable scheduler.The scheduler is compatible to Mission Computer scheduler.

The BC Scheduler has the following features.

  • Provision to create 600 messages with Message names as given in Avionics Interface Control Document, of following types which can be added freely in any minor frame
  • BC to RT Transfers
  • RT to BC Transfers
  • RT to RT Transfers
  • Broadcast Type Transfers
  • Mode Codes as per Notice-II of MIL-STD-1553B standard.
  • Maximum length of Message name is equal to 20 characters.
  • Provision to store data to be transmitted in that particular message in hexadecimal and engineering values.
  • Provision to change the data while BC is scheduling the messages.
  • Provision for sending the data stored in a table for that particular message. This will cater to create dynamic changing of data from BC side for that message. It is possible To read a file and store the data in selected message.This will help to reduce the work involved in keying in the data. This will also assist in scheduling the data captured though Bus Monitor.
  • Create Scheduler, which consists of major cycles of duration 160 mSec.
  • Each major cycle consists of 8 minor cycles of duration 20 mSec.
  • Provision to change the duration of major cycle- and minor cycle in steps of 1 mSec.
  • Provision to change the No. of minor cycles per major cycle from 1 to 32.
  • Provision to load a file on default whenever the software is executed.
  • Provision to save scheduler in any drive/directory and load it from any drive / directory.
  • Provision to RUN the BC for definite number of major cycles, definite amount of time (Ex: 5 minutes etc.) or indefinitely.
  • Provision to display the No. of major cycles and minor cycles run / amount of time elapsed while running as BC.

Remote Terminal

  • Remote Terminal will be able to transact data with BC and any other subsystem as commanded by BC.

  • Capable of emulating up to 31 Remote Terminals simultaneously at a time.

  • Valid value of Remote Terminal address is from 1 to 30.

  • RT selection is by entering RT address. Also RT can be selected using names it self.

  • Capable of looping back the data (Loop Test). Time broadcast data is sent by BC to all RTs to receive on Sub address 29. The second word of that data is to be sent back in Loop back and MSW message (Transmit sub address 4).

  • Provision to set bits in status word is provided (Ex: Busy Bit, Service request bit). The setting of bits for 1 major cycle or continuously or for few major cycles is provided.

  • The data sent by an RT is stored in tables. The data to be sent is keyed in engineering values. For each sub address it is possible to store data, which will be transmitted by RT for every major cycle on BC command, which will assist in creating dynamic data transmission. It is also be possible to read a file and store the data in selected sub address and particular word. This will help to reduce the work involved in keying in the data. This will also assist to input the data captured though Bus Monitor.

  • When an RT is configured and running the RT number and name will be displayed on run screen.

RT VALIDATION SOFTWAREProvides RT Validation Tests that are feasible with S/W programming.

The following tests can be done with PASIT:

  • Valid address test.
  • Invalid address test.
  • Word count test.
  • Sub-address test.
  • Dual redundant operation.

Mode command tests:

  • Synchronize without data word, Transmit status, Transmit last command, Dual redundant Transmitter Shutdown & override

Status word tests: Service request, Broadcast, Subsystem flag, Busy flag.

  • Broadcast messages tests:.BC-RT broadcast command Broadcast synchronize without data wordBroadcast synchronize with data wordBroadcast transmitter shutdown and override.

    RT-RT broadcast command
  • RT-RT transfer tests:.RT-RT transmitRT-RT receive

With The AvTS, the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

  • Manchester errors.
  • Bit length errors.
  • Word count errors.
  • Bi-phase errors.
  • Sync errors.
  • Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Monitor

  • Bus Monitor will capture data transaction on the bus.
  • The bus monitor can capture all data in Normal format and in Engineering value format (upto 20 parameters will be supported).
  • Provision for selecting required RT address and SUB address to be monitored is possible. It is possible to select RT by name.
  • Provision to capture the data for 2 hours with full bus traffic is provided, with all RTs, Sub address and words are selected for monitoring.
  • It is possible to select and display upto 20 Engineering parameters pertaining to any of the RTs during online monitoring. The parameters are to be selected from the database as described under general requirement of software.
  • Provision to store the data is provided while monitoring the data online. A text ‘Save Data’ with check box is provided to facilitate starting of saving data. When the check box is selected the PASIT will start storing the data. When the check box is deselected it will stop recording. A dialogue with provision to enter file name is provided. If a file already exists with the filename entered warning message will be posted on the screen.
    The provision to display graph of any parameter selected for online monitoring versus Major cycle No. is available. It is also be possible to display 4 graphs together for 4 Engineering parameters during online monitoring.
    The captured messages will be displayed with message names and engineering values.
    It will be possible to print the captured data to printer/file. Provision to print selected range of messages / range of pages also provided.

It will be possible to filter the captured data in following methods

Filtering method Example
Range of RTs RT No.3 to RT No.6
Selected RTs RT Nos. 6, 11, 15
RT and Subaddress RT 5 Subaddress 1
Message Names HEEMl_10l
Data Word search for RT and Subaddress 8000

1) Provision to include sync and broadcast messages is provided while filtering the data. Enable / Disable option is also provided.
Logical AND of 2 or 3 of the above filtering condition is also provided .

RS-422 Data Monitoring (Optional)

  • Screen for displaying RS-422 parameters is provided.
  • Monitoring of MIL-STD-1553B data along with RS-422 data simultaneously is supported. On toggling the windows the screen will switch between MIL-STD-1553B bus screen and RS-422 screen.
  • It will be possible to save the monitored RS-422 data for offline analysis.

Offline Analysis of Monitored data

  • It is possible to replay the recorded MIL-STD-1553B bus data on a personal computer / AvTS.
  • Software facilitates for free running replay of the data with values of parameters displayed in Engineering units for upto 30 parameters selected from database.
  • The replay consists of provision to display the graph of a selectedparameter against time on selection.
  • Provision also exists for replaying RS-422 data also (optional).


  • The H/W as per the specification.
  • AvTS Software (Executable) CD.
  • User Manual.
  • Acceptance Test Procedure document.

Note-1: Avionics Database entry Software package, which facilitates easy entry, querying, updating, debugging and maintenance of ICDs (Interface Control Documents), is available as an option. Please contact ACL for further details.

Note-2: The PASIT-Software is extensively validated by Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and other organisations. The PASIT-Software is under field usage by a major Avionics programme (LCA), in addition to being used by over 30 strategic MIL-STD-1553B users.

Ordering Information

  • ACL-AvTS-SINGLE : Avionics Testing System with single dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Bus providing BC, 31 RTs simultaneously and MT *
  • ACL-AvTS-DUAL : Avionics Testing System with two dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Buses, providing BC, 31 RTs simultaneously and MT on each Bus *

The optional items are not included in the standard ordering. Hence optional items have to be ordered separately. ACL is continuously working on improvements of its products; hence these specifications are subject to change without any notice. Wherever the products are updated, the updated/revised version will be supplied.

 Portable Avionics System Integration Tool (PASIT)


The generic configuration of Portable Avionics System Integration Tool (PASIT). The PASIT consist of Notebook Computer along with PCMCIA Type-II module supporting MIL-STD-1553B(simultaneously providing BC, 31RTs & MT) and four RS-422 Channels. The BC, RTs and MT related data scheduling and data capture, processing, display and analysis software makes integration of Avionics Systems easy.The software is user friendly and can be easily operated by a person having working experience with MILSTD-1553B systems. The following are the main functions supported by PASIT.

BC Scheduler Software: Schedules the messages for each minor frame.
Monitor Software: Monitors the activities on the bus.
RT Simulation Software: Simulates all the Remote Terminals (31RTs) simultaneously.
RT Validation Software : Provides the standard RT validation test routines

Hardware- General

The PASIT is a portable and laptop computer based system.It contains CD R/W drive to transfer data from hard disk to CD for replaying the data on other computer / PASIT system. The capacity of storage space is approximately 20GB to accommodate the recording of MIL-STD-1553B bus data and four RS-422 channels data continuously for at least 2 hours

The Hardware configuration of the system:

  • Mobile Intel® Pentium/i3/i5/i7 Processor.
  • 1GB or Higher DDR RAM standard.
  • 256 GB or Higher Hard Disk.
  • 24X DVD/CDRW Combo Drive.
  • 2-USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 Compliant connectors.
  • RJ-45 connector for 10/100 Ethernet LAN.
  • 35.8cm XGA TFT display: 1024 x 768 Pixels.
  • PCMCIA Type-II module tester / simulator supporting BC, 31RTs & MT simultaneously along with 4 RS-422 channels.


The PASIT consists of a PCMCIA card supporting simultaneously BC, 31RTs & MT (Channel-A and Channel-B) for simulating Bus controller (BC), 31 Remote Terminals (RTs) and for monitoring the MIL-STD-1553B bus data (MT) along with Four RS-422 channels.

BUS Controller

Bus Controller can initiate transaction just like Mission Computer of Avionics System. It generates messages according to a definable scheduler. The scheduler is compatible to Mission Computer scheduler. The BC Scheduler has the following features.

  • Provision to create 600 messages with Message names as given in Avionics Interface Control Document, of following types which can be added freely in any minor frame
  • BC to RT Transfers
  • RT to BC Transfers
  • RT to RT Transfers
  • Broadcast Type Transfers

Parametric Monitoring Software for APOORVA
 PCI-1553B & BISA-PCI-1553B cards

The PARMON (Parametric Monitor) Software is user friendly and can be easily operated by a person having working experience with MIL-STD-1553B systems. The following are the main functions supported by PARMON.
BC Scheduler Software: Schedules the messages for each minor frame.
Monitor Software: Monitors the activities on the bus.
RT Simulation Software: Simulates all the Remote Terminals (31RTs) simultaneously.
RT Validation Software : Provides the standard RT validation test routines

The PARMON software is windows based menu driven type. The main menu looks like:
AA database of Engineering parameters can be generated from ICD supplied in CD/DVD in ORACLE database and to be loaded accordingly. The database will be loaded on default whenever the Software is executed. Provision to update the database whenever there is a change in ICD exists in the Software. The provision to update the database is on selection of DATABASE menu as shown above.

Bus Controller

Bus Controller can initiate transaction just like Mission Computer of Avionics System. It generates messages according to a definable scheduler. The scheduler is compatible to Mission Computer scheduler. The BC Scheduler has the following features

Remote Terminal


Provides RT Validation Tests that are feasible with S/W programming.

  • Valid address test.
  • Invalid address test.
  • Word count test.
  • Sub-address test.
  • Dual redundant operation.
  • Mode command tests: Synchronize without data word, Transmit status, Transmit last command, Dual redundant Transmitter Shutdown & override.
  • Status word tests: Service request, Broadcast, Subsystem flag, Busy flag.
  • Broadcast messages tests:

  • BC-RT broadcast command Broadcast synchronize without data word
  • Broadcast synchronize with data word
  • Broadcast transmitter shutdown and override
  • RT-RT broadcast command
  • RT-RT transfer tests:.
  • RT-RT transmit
  • RT-RT receive

With the PARMON, the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

  • Manchester errors
  • Bit length errors
  • Word count errors
  • Bi-phase errors
  • Sync errors
  • Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Monitor

It will be possible to filter the captured data in following methods

Filtering method Example
Range of RTs RT No.3 to RT No.6
Selected RTs RT Nos. 6, 11, 15
RT and Subaddress RT 5 Subaddress 1
Message Names HEEMl_10l
Data Word search for RT and Subaddress 8000


1) Provision to include sync and broadcast messages is provided while filtering the data. Enable / Disable option is also provided.
2) Logical AND of 2 or 3 of the above filtering condition is also provided

Offline Analysis of Monitored  Data


Note-1: Avionics Database entry Software package, which facilitates easy entry, querying, updating, debugging and maintenance of ICDs (Interface Control Documents), is available as an option. Please contact ACL for further details.
Note-2: The PARMON-Software is extensively validated by Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and other organisations. The PARMON-Software is under field usage by a major Avionics programme (LCA), in addition to being used by over 30 strategic MIL-STD-1553B users

Ordering Information

ACL-PARMON-SW-1A-X : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s Single/Dual/Three/Four Dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Bus providing BC, 31 RTs simultaneously and MT ACL’s Part No. APOORVAPCI-SINGLE-MRT-BC-MT-1553B and its variants of PCIe and USB Based Multi Protocol Module cards.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1B-X : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s Single/Dual/Three/Four Dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Bus providing BC, RT and MT ACL’s Part No. APOORVA-PCI-SINGLE-BC, RT & MT-1553B and its variants of PCIe and USB Based Multi Protocol Module cards.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1C-X : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s Single/Dual/Three/Four Dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B Bus providing BC or RT or MT ACL’s Part No. APOORVA-PCI-SINGLEBC/RT/MT-1553B and its variants of PCIe and USB Based Multi Protocol Module cards.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1D-X : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s PCMCIA bus based MIL-STD-1553B Single Node Add-on card supporting BC, RT & MT (simultaneously) along with Four RS-422 Channels ACL Part No.: APOORVA-PCMCIA-SINGLE-BC, RT & MT-1553B.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1E : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s PCMCIA bus based MIL-STD-1553B single Node BC/RT/MT Add-on Card along with Four RS-422 Channels ACL Part No.: APOORVA-PCMCIA-SINGLE-BC/RT/MT-1553B.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1F : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s PCMCIA bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator / tester providing Simultaneous 31RTs, BC & MT on single 1553B bus along with Four RS-422 Channels ACL Part No.: APOORVA-PCMCIA-SINGLEMRT-BC-MT-1553B.

ACL-PARMON-SW-1G : Parametric Monitor Software to be used with ACL’s BISA-PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator / tester providing Simultaneous BC, RT & MT on three 1553B bus ACL Part No.: APOORVA-BISA-PCI-BC-RT-MT-1553B.

* X denotes multi node 1,2,3 & 4 (Ex: for two node X=2)
* The optional items are not included in the standard ordering. Hence optional items have to be ordered separately. ACL is continuously working on improvements of its products; hence these specifications are subject to change without any notice. Wherever the products are updated, the updated/revised version will be supplied.