Apollo Com​​puting 
Laboratories (P) Ltd

 ​mktg@apollocomputing.com  +​9140 -27141522 / 27141533

PCI Based  BISA-PCI-1553B
 PCI Bus Based  MIL-STD-1553B Add-On Card


The BISA-PCI-1553B is a PCI bus based add-on card that can be hosted on any PC (PC-AT/386/486/Pentium/i3/i5/i7) bus interface providing three independently configurable dual redundant Bus Controller/Remote Terminal/Monitor (based on DDC`s BU-61588/688 Mini-ACE) conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2, along with four RS-422 channels and eight TTL compatible DIOs

The design supports a single PC hosting multiple modules - limitations being: available system free slots and computational power of PC host. Thus, the BISA-PCI-1553B is an excellent choice for dynamic real-time avionics simulations. ​The on-board double-buffered dual port memory facilitates parallel message preparation & transfers, increasing the effective throughput. The BISA-PCI-1553B card comes with Bus Libraries, powerful C-callable library routines to access the bus at various levels of abstraction,

hardware complexities being transparent to the user. Optionally the module is supported by an user friendly, menu driven, configurable software package under Windows-NT/XP/WIN-7 environment, with higher level functions like data formatting, logging, display etc. The performance of BISA-PCI-1553B is far superior to solutions offered by others around the globe. The board supports novel Transmitter shutdown feature (in S/W and H/W) in BC mode.

PCI Based  APOORVA-1553B
 Two Node BC/RT/MT Add-On Card


The APOORVA-1553B BCRTMT is a PCI bus based Two Node MIL-STD-1553B add-on card which can be hosted on any PC (PC-AT/386/486/Pentium/i3/i5/i7) PCI bus interface providing up to Two independently configurable buses. Each Bus provides simultaneously dual redundant BC/RT/MT or BC, RT & MT (based on ACL’s APOORVA-1553B Core) nodes conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2. The design supports a single PC hosting multiple modules - limitations being: available system free slots and computational power of PC host. Thus, the APOORVA-PCI-DUAL-BCRTMT-1553B is an excellent choice for dynamic real-time avionics multiple bus simulations.

The on-board double buffered dual port memory facilitates parallel message preparation & transfers, increasing the effective throughput.The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT comes with Bus Libraries, powerful C-callable library routines to access the bus at various levels of abstraction, hardware complexities being transparent to the user. Optionally the module is supported by an user friendly, menu driven, configurable software package under Windows-XP/Win7 environment, with higher level functions like data formatting, logging, display etc. The performance of APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT is far superior to solutions offered by others around the globe.Apoorva provides a unique facility to the user to enable or disable the messages in the Frame.

Technical Features

  • Up to Two independently configurable buses. Each Bus provides simultaneously dual redundant BC/RT/MT or BC, RT & MT nodes (based on options chosen) conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2.on a PC with free PCI slot.
  • Supports full MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2.
  • Supports all 1553B message formats and mode-codes.
  • On board time-tag counter.
  • RT Sub-address circular buffers to support bulk data transfers
  • Optional separation of RT broadcast data.
  • Each channel supports double buffered dual ported 7.5 K X 16 bit memory for preparation and transfer.
  • Programmable RT address
  • High performance.
  • Two on-board timers.
  • Typical Inter-message gap of 10 micro seconds. Optionally 4.20 micro seconds.
  • Scalable architecture supporting intra system expandability.
  • Multiple bus simulation on single PC.
  • Ideal for real-time avionics simulation.
  • Bus Libraries: Powerful C-callable routines to support BC/RT/MT or BC, RT & MT functions.
  • Powerful message debugging facility.
  • Unprecedented Flexibility: Minor Frame Time Programmable in steps of 1.0 milli seconds accurately along with Minor frame messages loadable in hardware itself to provide accurate real-time performance.
  • Built in Diagnostic and test S/W for diagnostics.

  • Parmon: Parametric Monitoring Software, a user friendly Menu driven Software is available for XP/Win7 and also available for Windows-NT 4.0 (optional).

  • Supported drivers for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux.

  • Optional : Real Time OS Libraries.


As BC 7.5 K words
As RT 7.5 K words
As MT 16 K words
Circular Buffer 15 K words

With The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT cards,
 the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

Manchester errors Bi-phase errors
Bit length errors Sync errors
Word count errors Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Libraries

  • Bus Libraries: The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT PCI bus based add-on card comes with  C-callable library functions/routines to utilise the resources of the card.

Ordering Information

  • APOORVA-PCI-SINGLE-BC, RT & MT-1553B PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Single Node Add-on card supporting BC, RT & MT (simultaneously).
  • APOORVA-PCI-DUAL-BC, RT & MT-1553B:  PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B two Node Add-on card supporting BC, RT & MT (simultaneously) for each bus.
  • APOORVA-PCI-SINGLE-BC/RT/MT-1553B:PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B single Node BC/RT/MT Add-on Card.
  • APOORVA-PCI-DUAL-BC/RT/MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Two Node BC/RT/MT Add-on Card

PCI Based  APOORVA-1553B
 Two Node MRTBCMT Add-On Card


The APOORVA-1553B MRTBCMT is a PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B add-on card and can be hosted on any PC (PC-AT/386/486/Pentium/i3/i5/i7) PCI bus interface providing simultaneously two buses each with dual redundant 31RTs, BC & MT (based on ACL’s Apoorva-1553B Core) nodes conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2. The design supports a single PC hosting multiple modules - limitations being: available system free slots and computational power of PC host. Thus, the APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT is an excellent choice for dynamic real-time avionics simulations. The on-board double buffered dual port memory facilitates parallel message preparation & transfers, increasing the effective throughput.

The APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT comes with Bus Libraries, powerful C-callable library routines to access the bus at various levels of abstraction, hardware complexities being transparent to the user. Optionally the module is supported by an user friendly, menu driven, configurable software package under Windows-XP/Win7 environment, with higher level functions like data formatting, logging, display etc. The performance of APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT is far superior to solutions offered by others around the globe.Apoorva provides a unique facility to the user to enable or disable the messages in the Frame.

Technical Features

  • Provides simultaneously up to two buses each with dual redundant 31RTs, BC & MT (based on ACL’s APOORVA-1553B Core) conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2 on a PC with free PCI slot.

  • Supports full MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2.

  • Supports all 1553B message formats and mode-codes.
    On board time-tag counter.

  • RT Sub-address circular buffers to support bulk data transfers.
  • Optional separation of RT broadcast data.
  • Each channel supports double buffered dual ported 7.5 K X 16 bit memory for preparation and transfer.
  • Programmable RT address.
  • High performance.
  • Scalable architecture supporting intra system expandability.
  • Supports multiple bus simulation on single PC-AT/386/486/Pentium system..
  • Ideal for real-time avionics simulation.
  • Built in test S/W for diagnostics.
  • Bus Libraries: Powerful C-callable routines to support BC, RT & MT functions.
  • Parmon: Parametric Monitoring Software, a user friendly Menu driven Software is available for XP/Win7 and also available for Windows-NT 4.0 (optional).
  • Powerful message debugging facility.
  • Unprecedented Flexibility: Minor Frame Time Programmable in steps of 1.0 milli seconds accurately along with Minor frame messages loadable in hardware itself to provide accurate real-time performance.
  • Typical Inter-message gap of 10 micro seconds.
  • Supported drivers for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux.

  • Optional : Real Time OS Libraries.


As BC 7.5 K words
As RT 7.5 K words
As MT 16 K words
Circular Buffer 256 K words

With The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT cards, the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

Manchester errors Bi-phase errors
Bit length errors Sync errors
Word count errors Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Libraries

  • Bus Libraries: The APOORVA-PCI-MRT-BC-MT-1553B PCI bus based add-on card comes with C-callable library functions/routines to utilise the resources of the card.

Ordering Information

  • APOORVA-PCI-SINGLE-MRT-BC-MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator / tester providing Simultaneous 31RTs, BC & MT on single 1553B bus
    ⇾APOORVA-PCI-DUAL-MRT-BC-MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator / tester providing Simultaneous 31RTs, BC & MT on Two 1553B buses

PCI Based  APOORVA-1553B 
FOUR Node BC or RT or MT Add-On Card


PCI bus based Four Node Apoorva MIL-STD-1553B add-on card which can be hosted on any PC (PCAT/386/486/ Pentium/i3/i5/i7) PCI bus interface providing up to Four independently configurable buses. Each Bus provides simultaneously dual redundant BC/RT/MT or BC, RT & MT (based on ACL’s APOORVA-1553B Core) nodes conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2. The design supports a single PC hosting multiple modules -limitations being: available system free slots and computational power of PC host. Thus, the APOORVA-PCI-FOUR-BCRTMT-1553B is an excellent choice for dynamic real-time avionics simulations. The on-board double buffered dual port memory facilitates parallel message preparation & transfers, increasing the effective throughput.

The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT comes with Bus Libraries, powerful C-callable library routines to access the bus at various levels of abstraction, hardware complexities being transparent to the user. Optionally the module is supported by an user friendly, menu driven, configurable software package under Windows-XP/Win7 environment, with higher level functions like data formatting, logging, display etc. The performance of APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT is far superior to solutions offered by others around the globe.Apoorva provides a unique facility to the user to enable or disable the messages in the Frame

Technical Features

  • Provides simultaneously up to two buses each with dual redundant BC, RT & MT (based on ACL’s APOORVA-1553B Core) conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2 on a PC with free PCI slot.

  • Supports full MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2.

  • Supports all 1553B message formats and mode-codes.

  • On board time-tag counter.

  • RT Sub-address circular buffers to support bulk data transfers.

  • Optional separation of RT broadcast data.
  • Each channel supports double buffered dual ported 7.5 K X 16 bit memory for preparation and transfer.
  • Programmable RT address.
  • High performance.
  • Two on-board timers.
  • Typical Inter-message gap of 10 micro seconds. Optionally 4.20 micro seconds.
  • Scalable architecture supporting intra system expandability.
  • Ideal for real-time avionics simulation.
  • Built in test S/W for diagnostics.
  • Bus Libraries: Powerful C-callable routines to support BC, RT & MT functions.
  • Powerful message debugging facility.
  • Unprecedented Flexibility: Minor Frame Time Programmable in steps of 1.0 milli seconds accurately along with Minor frame messages loadable in hardware itself to provide accurate real-time performance.
  • Built in Diagnostic and test S/W for diagnostics.

  • Parmon: Parametric Monitoring Software, a user friendly Menu driven Software is available for XP/Win7 and also available for Windows-NT 4.0 (optional).
  • Supported drivers for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux.
  • Optional : Real Time OS Libraries.


As BC 7.5 K words
As RT 7.5 K words
As MT 16 K words
Circular Buffer 15 K words

With The APOORVA-1553B Based BCRTMT cards,
 the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

Manchester errors Bi-phase errors
Bit length errors Sync errors
Word count errors Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Libraries

  • The APOORVA-1553B Based 4 Node BCRTMT PCI bus based add-on card comes with C-callable library functions/routines to utilise the resources of the card.

Ordering Information

  • APOORVA-PCI-THREE-BC, RT & MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Three Node Add-on card supporting BC, RT & MT (simultaneously).
  • APOORVA-PCI-FOUR-BC, RT & MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Four Node Add-on card supporting BC, RT & MT (simultaneously) for each bus.
  • APOORVA-PCI-THREE-BC/RT/MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Three Node BC/RT/MT Add-on Card.
  • APOORVA-PCI-FOUR-BC/RT/MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Four Node BC/RT/MT Add-on Card.

PCI Based  APOORVA-1553B 


PCI bus based Apoorva Four Node MIL-STD-1553B add-on card which can be hosted on any PC (PC-AT/386/486/Pentium/i3/i5/i7) PCI bus interface providing simultaneously Four buses each with dual redundant 31RTs, BC & MT (based on ACL’s Apoorva-1553B Core) nodes conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2. The design supports a single PC hosting multiple modules - limitations being: available system free slots and computational power of PC host. Thus, the APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT is an excellent choice for dynamic real-time avionics simulations. The on-board double buffered dual port memory facilitates parallel message preparation & transfers, increasing the effective throughput.

The APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT comes with Bus Libraries, powerful C-callable library routines to access the bus at various levels of abstraction, hardware complexities being transparent to the user. Optionally the module is supported by an user friendly, menu driven, configurable software package under Windows-XP/Win7 environment, with higher level functions like data formatting, logging, display etc. The performance of APOORVA-1553B Based MRTBCMT is far superior to solutions offered by others around the globe.Apoorva provides a unique facility to the user to enable or disable the messages in the Frame.

Technical Information

  • Provides simultaneously up to Four buses each with dual redundant 31RTs, BC & MT (based on ACL’s APOORVA-1553B Core) conforming to MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2 on a PC with free PCI slot.
  • Supports full MIL-STD-1553B Notice-2.
  • Supports all 1553B message formats and mode-codes.
  • On board time-tag counter.
  • RT Sub-address circular buffers to support bulk data transfers.
  • Optional separation of RT broadcast data.
  • Each channel supports double buffered dual ported 7.5 K X 16 bit memory for preparation and transfer.
  • Programmable 
  • RT address.
  • High performance.
  • Scalable architecture supporting intra system expandability.
  • Supports multiple bus simulation on single PC.
  • Ideal for real-time avionics simulation.
  • Built in test S/W for diagnostics.
  • Bus Libraries: Powerful C-callable routines to support BC, RT & MT functions.
  • Parmon: Parametric Monitoring Software, a user friendly Menu driven Software is available for XP/Win7 and also available for Windows-NT 4.0 (optional).
  • Powerful message debugging facility.
  • Unprecedented Flexibility: Minor Frame Time Programmable in steps of 1.0 milli seconds accurately along with Minor frame messages loadable in hardware itself to provide accurate real-time performance.
  • Typical Inter-message gap of 10 micro seconds.
  • Supported drivers for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux.
  • Optional : Real Time OS Libraries.


As BC 7.5 K words
As RT 7.5 K words
As MT 16 K words
Circular Buffer 256 K words

With The APOORVA-1553B Based 4 Node MRTBCMT cards, the following Errors can be injected to verify the LRUs and other systems functioning:

Manchester errors Bi-phase errors
Bit length errors Sync errors
Word count errors Gap time introduction etc.

Bus Libraries

  • The APOORVA-PCI-MRT-BC-MT-1553B PCI bus based add-on card comes with C-callable library functions/routines to utilise the resources of the card.

Ordering Information

  • APOORVA-PCI-THREE-MRT-BC-MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator /tester providing Simultaneous 31RTs, BC MT in Three 1553 buses.
  • APOORVA-PCI-FOUR-MRT-BC-MT-1553B: PCI bus based MIL-STD-1553B Simulator / tester providing Simultaneous 31RTs, BC & MT on Four 1553B buses